wear out
1. PHRASAL VERB When something wears out or when you wear it out, it is used so much that it becomes thin or weak and unable to be used anymore. 用壞; 用盡
Every time she consulted her watch, she wondered if the batteries were wearing out. 每次看手表的時候,她都會想是不是電池沒電了。
Horses used for long-distance riding tend to wear their shoes out more quickly. 用來作長途跋涉的馬匹會很快就磨破鉄掌。
2. PHRASAL VERB If something wears you out, it makes you feel extremely tired. 使筋疲力盡[非正式]
The past few days had really worn him out. 過去幾天真讓他筋疲力盡了。
The young people run around kicking a ball, wearing themselves out. 這些年輕人四処跑動踢球,把自己弄得筋疲力盡。
3. →see also worn out
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