- abbr.(Royal Greenwich Observatory) 皇家格林尼治天文台;(reduced graphite oxide)被还原的氧化石墨
- Slaves: These people who have no rights, but can work at the any type of RGO.
矿工:这些人在矿上干活,属于贫困阶层。(怎么连点觉悟都没有了???) - Reciprocating Gait Orthosis (RGO)
重心移动式步行矫形器 - Ćrgo
乔尔戈 - Bjørgo
比约戈 - the air is alive w ith chat ter and laughter, and casual innuendo and in t roduct ion s fo rgo tten on the spo t, and en thu siast icm eet ings betw eenwom en w ho never knew each o ther's nam es.