相关单词同义词balance, attitude, balance, equilibrize, hang, balance of, get ready, 近义词 balance 平衡, composure 镇静, dignity 尊严, self-confidence 自信, carriage 四轮马车, self-assurance 自信, hover 盘旋, float 漂浮, hang 悬挂, aplomb 自信, self-control 克己, grace 优美, bearing 轴承, cool 凉爽的, deportment 风度, equilibrium 平衡, equiponderancy 平衡(等重), perch 栖木, equiponderance 平衡(等重), equipoise 平衡, uniformity 一致, parity 相等, suspend 暂停, posture 姿势, pose 摆姿势, attitude 态度, collectedness 镇定, calmness 平静, self-command 自制, equanimity 平静, staidness 认真, confidence 信任, self-possession 沉着, assurance 保证,担保, imperturbability 沉着, sedateness 镇静(庄重的)..., stasis 静止, stableness 稳定性, stability 稳定性, sangfroid 镇静, steadiness 稳健, hovering 停悬, coolness 冷, serenity 宁静, suspension 暂停, wavering 摇摆的, 摇幌的..., equilibrate (使)平衡, even 平坦的, counterbalance 平衡, counterpoise 平均, nonchalance 不关心, savoir faire 才干, presence of mind 镇定, tact 机智, mind 头脑, presence 出席, assuredness 确实, sang-froid 冷静, brace 防备, of 关于, suspended 被暂时搁置的...临近词poison, pointless, poised, poiser, poised to, Poiseuille, poise vt., poise ratio, poise error, poised river, Poiseon flow, Poiseuille law相似词pointless, points deduction, points system, pointy, poised, poison, poison gas, poison ivy, 返回 poise